Tuesday, April 24, 2012

And so it begins...

My name is Crista Marie Ani Aladjadjian. I’m 21 years old. I’m half Spaniard and half Armenian. I love my family. I have 1 younger brother and 1 older sister. My parents have been divorced since ’95 and my Mom has been married to my Stepfather since ’96. Therefore I have 2 Dads and 2 extra siblings. I come from a big, loud, badass family full of motorcycles, classic cars, high standards, strong Christian beliefs, rock ‘n roll music, and lots of love.

I can sincerely say that I’m a very well cultured person. I love gourmet food, fine wines, and Big Macs. I’m in descent shape because I run just about every day. I love to cook, although I have no idea what I’m doing in the kitchen half the time. I still call my Mom to ask her how to make white rice. I swim, dance, skimboard, & sing. I coach track & field and waitress at a comedy club. I’m extremely social & outgoing but very kick-back with a typical Cali-groove. I love watching old classic movies & musicals with my Mom. I love long, windy motorcycle rides with my Dad. I love drinking & laughing with my friends. I love watching Good Burger with my brothers and sisters.

Now that you know what I do, let me tell you who I am.

I am a possibility. I am the possibility of greatness. I am the possibility of failure. I am the possibility of eccentricity. I am the possibility of dull.

I am you.

We share the same human nature of possibilities, although God has created us all in a different way.

The first differentiation between people comes from those of us who can create something from that possibility and those of us who turn that possibility into a potential, full of excuses. Some of us see possibilities as opportunities with expiration dates, and we can’t help but seize every possible positive opportunity that comes our way. Our sense of urgency ignites a self-motivation within to win, a.k.a. find happiness. As for those of us who would rather find every reason NOT to fulfill a destiny, rather than create our own destinies for ourselves, we live in lies. We’ve lived in lies for so long, that we no longer know truth & trust. We demean ourselves & fail to credit our abilities. We are so shadowed in lies, that we can’t see the rays of possibility that beam into our hearts & our minds every morning. We refuse to concede to our failures & unbecoming ways, so we lie out of laziness, mostly to ourselves.

The next differentiation comes from those of us who continue to create possibilities, versus those of us who are frightened by them. We have all been successful at one point or another. Whether it was when your Daddy loved his Father’s Day card when you were 3 or when your presentation at work was praise by the entire administration, we have all tasted sweet, succulent, sultry success. It is for that reason that we continue to wake-up and work every day. Because we crave the satisfaction success brings and it can only be brought to us if we create the possibility for it. Success is born from a possibility you created. Some of us recognize our power to create breeding grounds for success and can be motivating, inspiring, & enrolling people. Others fear this probability. Some are even terrified of it. Why? Because when we create a possibility we are vulnerable. We are vulnerable to the possibility of failure & defeat.

The last differentiation between people that I want to discuss derives from those of us who search for possibilities, versus those of us who watch them go by. This all comes down to our animalistic nature. How reactive are you? Do you pounce at every possibility, including the possibility of creating more possibilities? Or are you a casual spectator of life? My Senior Chief in my ROTC unit told me that there are three types of people in this world; Leaders, Followers, & Fence-sitters. Leaders have direction, motivation, poise, trust, and respect. Followers have inspiration, dedication, curiosity, and eagerness. Leaders & Followers are both creators of possibilities. You don’t have to be in the front of the line to be creating your own path. If you are motivated by others, by all means, be motivated! However, then we have our Fence-sitters. We Fence-sitters are patient. That’s it. We wait for anyone or anything to come pull us to our feet and push us through our lives. Sincere dependency is one of the greatest epidemics in our world today.

Now, you might notice you can relate to every single personality in the above three paragraphs. We are all creative, lying, successful, lazy, reactive, Fence-sitters. We can be all these things in the first hour of our day. I.e. we wake up and decide to make blueberry pancakes, but then decide we don’t have enough time. Then we decide we’ll skip Starbucks and make blueberry pancakes and take some for the entire office. Then we make a 3-stack and don’t even do the dishes. Then we put on some music while we do our hair or brush our teeth and get ready in record time. Then we sit in our car for 4 minutes with a blank, silent stare and failure to motivate ourselves to move. Can I get an Amen?!

What I am trying to say is, regardless of what kind of possibility you are, be always possible. Don’t underestimate the power you have to be grand and don’t be scared of the power others have to be better. If you are a possibility of anything, you are first and foremost a possibility. That’s not grammar, that’s greatness.